New Zealand's Vision Feast Film Festival

After a thorough review of all this year's submissions, we're excited to reveal our 2024 nominees. Congratulations to all! Our winners will be announced online very soon!

A huge thank you to all the incredible filmmakers who entered this year! It was a challenging task of evaluating many exceptional entries, and while it wasn't easy to choose, we appreciate every single one of you. Your passion, dedication, and creativity continue to inspire us.


2024 New zealand Nominations

Best Aotearoa project 

The Winner of Best Aotearoa project receives $1000 worth of Rental from Rubber Monkey and a Golden Chompy 🏆

TOW - Directed by Taylor Nixon

Molly Payton, Accelerate - Directed by Oscar Keys

Search for Hawaiki - Directed by Fredrick Pokai

Planet 13 - Directed by Joe Murdie

In Her Steps - Directed by Emma Duncan, Ashlee Stevens

MAYDAY - Directed by Ian Sweeney


Best NZ Short Film

Planet 13 - Directed by Joe Murdie

Search for Hawaiki - Directed by Fredrick Pokai

The Balloon - Directed by James Fink-Jensen

In The Zone - Directed by Connor Pritchard

BALLSY - Directed by Warren Franz Rodricks

Hudson Hemisphere - Directed by Robert Liam Richards

TOW - Directed by Taylor Nixon

MAYDAY - Directed by Ian Sweeney

Ave Marie - Directed by Celestina Louisa Marie Sumby

Montell2099 - Live from Lake Alta - Directed by Matthew Clode


Revelation At Sea - Directed by Bertrand Remaut

Oops, I Murdered the Person the Person I Like Likes - Directed by Ross Ozarka

Weaving the People - Directed by Dan Inglis

The Piss-Up - Directed by Michael Huang

The Bostrom Scenario - Directed by Ricky Townsend


Best NZ Music Video

Girls Like U - Directed by Robby Peters

Asymptomatrix - Directed by Dane Jacobs

Molly Payton, Accelerate - Directed byOscar Keys

Poi Tukua, Makayla - Directed by Matthew Clode

Snapped Up (By The Boss) - Directed by Ashley Pitman

Love Letter - Directed by Crystal Chen, Matt Hunter

Tōtara - Directed by Hattie Adams, Ryan Bradley

BEST NZ Documentary

Son of Samoa - Directed by Laman Time

Endometriosis An Invisible Battle - Directed by Emma Wilburn

Barefoot Monster - Directed by James Kevin Gray

Milking Colours - Directed by George Meehan, Cora Bedwell

Detangling the Stigma - Directed by Jzayla Marcya Hughey

Pōneke Classical Sessions - Directed by Sebastian Kerebs



The Great South - Directed by Taniora Heketanga Ormsby

In Her Steps - Directed by Emma Duncan, Ashlee Stevens

Got The Spirit - Directed by Tom Lewis, Molly Power

The Puppet Show - Directed by Sam Pay

Cubephoria - Directed by Wei-Chi Lin

Embrace - Directed by Thomas Webster

Dear Future Generation - Directed by Yana Chernova

Dive - Directed by Tyler Stanley redmond

Act Blind 101- Directed by Wei-Chi Lin


Best NZ STUDENT Animation

Tooth Be Told - Directed by Sam Lockhart

Interception - Directed by Peter McCully

Day in the Life of Gerry - Directed by Evelyn Ardinah Alsemgeest

Journey of Cooking - Directed by Qingyi (Echo) Sun

Dust Bunnies - Directed by Peter McCully

Visionary NZ Nominations 2024

Visionary NZ Director

TOW - Directed by Taylor Nixon

MAYDAY - Directed by Ian Sweeney

Search for Hawaiki - Directed by Fredrick Pokai

BALLSY - Directed by Warren Franz Rodricks


Visionary NZ Cinematography

The Balloon - Cinematography By Hendrikus De Vaan

BALLSY - Cinematography By Tim Flower

Planet 13 - Cinematography By Joe Murdie

MAYDAY - Cinematography By Julian Vares

Visionary NZ ACTOR

MAYDAY - Emma Brittenden

Search for Hawaiki - Maaka Pohatu

TOW - Lauie Tofa

In Her Steps - Rebecca Parker


Visionary NZ Editing

In The Zone - Directed by Connor Pritchard

Molly Payton - Accelerate - Directed by Oscar Keys

MAYDAY - Directed by Ian Sweeney

BALLSY - Directed by Warren Franz Rodricks





KAAZH - Directed By Mohanraj VJ

Journey - Directed By Damien Osborn

Coulda Beens & Wannabes - Directed By Peter O'Brien

Mum Said - Directed By Sabina Sattar

ZOOMERS - Directed By Dylan Chow


Best Short FILM

Septichexen - Directed By Anders Elsrud Hultgreen

Fili - Directed By Peter Filimaua

The Third Eye - Directed By Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini, Banafsheh Jahed

Let The Tides Take Us - Directed By Sonia Lim

The Night before the Wedding - Directed By 阿齊

BATTLER - Directed By Samuel Azariah Martin

Broken Heart Sells Sofa - Directed By Laura Blazquez-Pachon

Welcome To The Esh Life - Directed By Abdul Mateen

Wasteland - Directed By Servaes Dewispelaere

Best Animation

Woo and Wah's Castaway - Directed By Takuma Aomatsu

Les Bêtes - Directed By Michael Granberry

The dogs' highway - Directed By Carlos Rueda

Hymns of a Tiny World - The Birds of New Zealand - Directed By Izabella Itzia Anguiano-Jacobs

Komaneko - A New Journey- Directed By Tsuneo Goda

Cherno - Directed By Valeriya Luchenzov, Shir Yosef

Space Station Village EP8:Miss You to the Stars - Directed By Yi-Feng Kao

The Magic Violet Rabbit - Directed By Kotoko Nakamura


The Fungus - Voodoo - Directed By Adam Jordan

New Me - Directed By Chico Bennett

HYGEIA - Femme - Directed By Micah Baird, Zach Myers

Sean Reyes - Won't (W.T.D) - Directed By Kareen Mallon

Corona-Man - Directed By Shacham Rubin

Farvæl/Goodbye - Directed By Dawn Florinda Wall



Auto-Mated - Directed By Troy Hale

Raj kapoor s LONI Tunes - Directed By Nadir Ahmad

One Second at a Time: Battling the Monster of Addiction - Directed By Tim Searfoss

Laura McMahon Trials Joke Theft - Directed By Laura Mcmahon

Soundscape - Directed By Timmy ONeill

INTERNATIONAL Visionary Nominations 2024

Visionary Director

The Third Eye - Directed by Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini, Banafsheh Jahed

Twenty - Directed by Jason Hogan

TICKER - Directed by Thom Petty

Wasteland - Directed by Servaes Dewispelaere

BATTLER - Directed by Samuel Azariah Martin


Visionary Cinematography

The Third Eye - Cinematography by Mohammadhossein Afzali

Wasteland - Cinematography by Yann De Moerloose

TICKER - Cinematography by Barbara van Schaik

Twenty - Cinematography by Rob O’Kelly

BATTLER - Cinematography by Levin Mundinger

Visionary ACTOR

The Third Eye - Payam Ahmadi Nia

Wasteland - Jan Bijvoet

Let The Tides Take Us - Caryn Cheng

Twenty - Lydia Brayshaw

THE RISING OF THE SAP - Joanna Scanlan

TICKER - Ian Gelder

BATTLER - Don Mallard


Visionary Editing

Twenty - Directed by Jason Hogan

THE RISING OF THE SAP - Directed by Susie Jones

KIN - Directed by James Waterhouse

Wasteland - Directed by Servaes Dewispelaere


 2024 spotlight NOMINATIONS 


country spotlight BEST u.k project

Walking Fernando - Directed By Max Mir

TICKER - Directed By Thom Petty

Twenty - Directed By Jason Hogan

THE RISING OF THE SAP - Directed By Susie Jones

Little Brown Bird - Directed By Peter Rogers

A Reflection - Directed By Laurie Barraclough

KIN - Directed By James Waterhouse



Guilty Bunch of Flowers - Directed By Wayne Kelly, Matt Holt

Canniversary - Directed By Ross Ozarka

Invincible City - Directed By David Finkelstein


Perilune- Directed By Peter McCully

Journey- Directed By Damien Osborn

A Reflection - Directed By Laurie Barraclough


A Very Perry Parable - Directed By Daisy Lawless

Drop - Directed By Mike Hohaia

Supernova - Directed By Flora Xie

The Bytes Dreams are Made of - Directed By Alessandro Amaducci



Tīki's Tales - Written by Tabea Isabelle von Gruenewaldt

EL MALE- Written by leonardo Mileikowsky

Broken- Written by Kate Jirelle

Fukkles the Clown- Written by Suzan Averitt

Blue Sky Out of the Oresteia - Written by Katherine Taylor